Upgrade for pascal 1080p


Jan 22, 2014
I am wondering if me waiting to upgrade with pascal cards coming this year is foolish? I currently have a Gtx 760, and I know that the 980 is a beast card for 1080p gaming at 60hz so, my question is am I wasting time waiting? Im playing BF4 and getting 80-100 fps consistently. And Im wanting to max future titles in the future. I know alot is up in the air. Just want some other opinions. Thanks.

Both the 980 and Pascal are going to be overkill for 1080p gaming. If you want a card that will be good now and in the future you should be looking at the R9 390 or 390x. It has better DX 12 support than any Nvidia card out right now and double the vRAM or the 980. The extra vRAM ensures the card is able to play the latest games for a...
Why are you asking us?
I could say you are wasting your time with gaming. Or with BF4. Play CS:GO. But it's your decision, your taste.
I don't play either game.

No one knows when Pascal is going to be out. Not even sure it will be this year. I'm pretty sure Polaris (AMD) will be out this year.

Why ask other people when the question is:

IS IT WORTH IT TO ME? How can anyone else know?
Wait. As you're already getting more FPS that your monitor can display a Geforce 980 will give you zero benefit right now. GPU prices drop constantly, and performance improves almost as fast, In the future, future GPUs will be cheaper/more powerful, so upgrade at that point.

Both the 980 and Pascal are going to be overkill for 1080p gaming. If you want a card that will be good now and in the future you should be looking at the R9 390 or 390x. It has better DX 12 support than any Nvidia card out right now and double the vRAM or the 980. The extra vRAM ensures the card is able to play the latest games for a long time and at higher resolutions if you so wish.