Upgrade from 7770 to x enough to keep up or new rig?


May 7, 2015
I've had this rig for like eons now, I don't know, 4 or more years. I'm young I don't know what old is yet...
Phenom II X4 (unlocked from Phenom II X2)
Some Asus board
GPU is 7770
500GB HDD and a Samsung Evo I play my games

I suppose the question is, do you think if I upgrade from the 7770, can the rest of this grandpa rig keep up with a newer GPU that can handle games say like GTA 5? It runs it now alright, but I want to run it suuuper well >.>
Depending on the clock speed of the Ph II X4, you may be able to move to an R9-270/270X and get some decent improvement in frame rate at 1080p(if that is your monitor's rez). But to play that game at max or near max settings, you'll need to move to a modern Intel platform.
Depending on the clock speed of the Ph II X4, you may be able to move to an R9-270/270X and get some decent improvement in frame rate at 1080p(if that is your monitor's rez). But to play that game at max or near max settings, you'll need to move to a modern Intel platform.