Upgrade from 8320e?


Mar 4, 2017
Amd 8320e oced to 4.6 ghz
Gtx 1060 6gb

I mostly play games like league of legends csgo rainbow six siege Minecraft h1z1 etc noticed games that are cpu heavy run pretty bad for me like Minecraft with modpacks or h1z1. Is upgrading to kabylake worth It? Also my friend has a x99 board he would give to me for free if I chose that route.
If your friend has an x99 board you could consider something like a 5820k or 6800k. You'd need a cooler, neither comes with a stock cooler. It's more expensive than a kabylake i7 cpu vs cpu. However when you factor in needing ddr4 ram either way and needing an 1151 board for kabylake in addition the cpu, your overall cost for the ram and cpu for the free x99 probably wouldn't be any higher.
If your friend has an x99 board you could consider something like a 5820k or 6800k. You'd need a cooler, neither comes with a stock cooler. It's more expensive than a kabylake i7 cpu vs cpu. However when you factor in needing ddr4 ram either way and needing an 1151 board for kabylake in addition the cpu, your overall cost for the ram and cpu for the free x99 probably wouldn't be any higher.