Upgrade from a Phenom II x4 945


Oct 7, 2016
Hi everbody.
I'm looking at upgrading my cpu, beacuse i have to make another pc for my office. So i though to use my Phenom in my office and insted of it upgrade to my game pc to a fx cpu. I was looking at fx 4300. what are your suggetions? I currently have clocked my phenom to 3300 mhz and with it i play BF1 and 4, rocket league games.

Other pc spec.:

8 gb ram 1333 (soon 12gb)
two disks: system disk 80 gb and second disk 500 gb

MSI gtx 650 1gb
Motherboard : GA-880GMA-USB3

All suggestions are wellcome, i have a week time to decide what to do.
If you wanna keep with AMD, which i don't recommend (at least not until Zen comes out), at least get a FX 6300, anything below that is just bad. With the 6300 you got to option to nicely overclock it, making it work faster and almost keep up with current GPUs

But if you wanna go to Intel and you have the money a i3-6100 should be a very nice upgrade from your working rig. If you wanna game a i5 6500 should fit perfectly. Both changes would make you change the MOBO and RAM.

If you wanna keep the RAM there is the i5 4690, which is a great choice too, only thing you'd have to change is the MOBO.

But as you seem to be upgrading, i'd suggest going newer tech all the way, FX series are way outdated

Although you have the ability to overclock on that board your not going to want to buy a FX-6XXX or FX-8XXX and try, it lacks the VRM to support much of a O.C and the RAM timing will effect the results. Any of these will be faster that what you have but don't expect to see a huge leap in performance.

AMD FX-6300 3500MHz
AMD FX-6200 3800MHz
AMD FX-6120 3500MHz
AMD FX-4350 4200MHz
AMD FX-4330 4000MHz
AMD FX-4300 3800MHz
AMD FX-4170 4200MHz
AMD FX-4150 3900MHz

The FX CPUs were a regression in performance per clock in many tasks, and an FX-4300 is actually slower than a Phenom II in most tasks at the same clock. The only thing better about an FX-63xx or 83xx is that it has more cores, which a fair number of games/tasks won't make use of.

Actually a Phenom 965 and FX 4300 are pretty much on par, a 4300 will pull away because you can O.C the crap out of it while most 965's will top out at 3.9-4ghz. He is running a 945 slightly O.C so any of these chips stock will be faster. His board has a 4+1 phase VRM so FX O.C is limited to around a .5 jump before things get hot and unstable.

That is one to weigh. If you can find a FX 6300 cheap, then i guess that is my pick for Bulldozer.
Bulldozer in my humble opinion was a step sideways in some ways. I suppose It is more energy efficient and does not produce as much heat as the K10 architecture at similar clocks. The Phenom ii 945 is my choice over any FX processor to be honest. However this does come with some caveats, ie lack of certain instructions and higher TDP when overclocking. One last thing, The phenom ii 945 is faster than the FX 4300 in a good many benchmarks and games as well.

If you ever visited a hardware forum since 2012 you have likely seen many titles such as: FX 8350 vs i5 3570k, or AMD FX 8350, True 8 Core? Most reviews will mention the price similarity between the i5 and FX 8350.
Thanks guys. You have helped me a lot. As I said. I already have a gaming pc which i wanted to upgrade. But in my other plan was to make a office pc out of soome parts that are in my closet, that half ''baked'' pc is from AMD, so i thought maybe put the Phenom II that is from my game pc in too the office. But the upgrade as shown isn't much of a upgrade.

So I decided to stay with my Phenom and buy a used cpu for office pc, and wait a little bit more whille amd puts AM4 in too shops. For now i dont have that much money to switch to Intel. Here where I come from, difference between AMD fx 6300 and Intel 4th generation is minimum 150 dollars (only cpu). in which case i would have to sell my motherboard and cpu and i would get out of it cca. 150 dollars and invest another 100 to buy my self only the cpu, plus the motherboard which is extra minimum 70 dollars.

For now i'm more likely to upgrade to another graphic card, maybe rx 470 or gtx 1050 both 4 gb.

But i have to make some research, will my Phenom bottleneck this GPU's.
Food for thought: the early AM4 CPUs will be based on the existing Excavator core AMD is already using in socket FM2+ CPUs. AM4 will address FM2's biggest weakness, namely that there's absolutely no upgrade path, but bear in mind that the best CPU you'll be able to get on it for a while will still be only a bit faster than an Intel Pentium. When Zen comes to AM4 (hopefully sometime in the first half of 2017) it will only come in 8-core variants and I'd be very surprised if it weren't as or more expensive than Intel's 6-core/12-thread CPUs. It may be as late as 2018 before smaller Zen CPUs start to trickle down, and longer still until they reach markets other than the US.

That's not to say waiting will hurt, AM4 might well deliver what you're looking for but it will probably take a while.

I'm surprised to hear the FX-6300 is $150 more than a 4th generation Core i3.
Woow, where did you get thoose info about am4? If this is going to be true, i will be more likely to buy my self a intel then wait that long.

Fx 6300 in stores costs aprox. from 105 dollars. If we take a close look in too Intel cpu's tht have on paper even numbers like i5 4690K it value starts from 260 dollars to higher. which is 155 dollars difference. In reality thoose two cpu's are day and night difference.
So in that case if I upgrade to AMD:
Cpu 105 + motherboard 70 = around 175 dollars

If I make an intel purchase:

Cpu 260 + motherboard 80 = around 340 dollars

All reviews go in too Intel favore thats for sure. But for now i'm going to stay with my Phenom. And next year thinnk about Intel. :)
A Core i3 6100 or 4160 would be an upgrade over the FX, and is the best thing to compare to it in price. An i5 would be considerably faster.

Are the 6th generation CPUs available in your country? Socket 1151 will be receiving 2 more generations of CPUs and supports DDR4, making it a better choice if you hang onto your systems for a long time.

EDIT: Regarding AM4, I could dig up some sources but AM4 is basically already out, but it's only available to OEMs and running the old CPUs. Zen won't be out for a few months at least. Normally 6 months before a CPU hits the market you already have a lot of leaked benchmarks and there's not much on Zen yet, and AMD has stated that the first Zen CPUs will only come in 8 core variants, with smaller ones to follow later.
Yes, I can buy 6th generation intel. I'm from Croatia, we are up to date with components :) . As I'm informed, I can get i5 6500 for the same price like i5 4690K. Which is interesting.

DDR4 is one more thing i'm interesting for to upgrade to intel, which i know AMD will make the turn with am4.

I'm looking in too moving to a cpu that i wont be thinking of upgrading in a long time.

More food for thoughts...
AMD is touting that their 8 core design will be clocked around 3.3GHz(Base) And im sure you know by now that According to AMD and a few leaked benchmarks The IPC is significantly improved over the Bulldozer/Steamroller core.
Apparently, the 8 core Summit Ridge is benching about the same as the i7 6850K

It's interesting what will happen with thoose AMD cpu's. I'm really interested in the price of thoose mother boards and cpu's. I'm not tied to any of brands of cpu's. So i would go back to Intel, or maybe stay. depending of my bank account whille upgrading.
As it looks like. I'm going to upgrade eaither i go to amd or Intel. As I'm using an AM3+ motherboard. To be honest, I dont see AM4 to be near better then Intel, as after this text it seems there are going to be only better then there FX series. So for now, i'm looking in too Intel as a potentinal upgrade in 2017. :)
Even with a 40% increase that still leaves AMD behind what Intel currently has... close but still behind. I'm due to upgrade my FX system next year so regardless I will keep one AMD system. If Zen can stay remotely close then I would be more than happy.