Upgrade from devils canyon?


Apr 26, 2011
I have been running an i5 4690k for years now, I put in a 750ti as a placeholder card but was happy with it's performance at 1080p so I wound up just leaving it.

I am thinking about moving up to ultrawide (3440x1440) and was wanting to go for a 1080 ti so I can stay above 60 fps even with the higher resolution. From what I've read, the cpu will prob not bottleneck me, but I am in a fractal node 304 running a sfx power supply so that may be a cause for concern. system is as follows:

psu- https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817256109
mobo -https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132266
16 gigs of ram.

Can I just drop in a 1080ti or am I going to have to do some other updates? I would really like to avoid a platform update because ram is still priced too high
It really does depend on the game you'll be playing. I understand a GPU and monitor upgrade is a serious chunk of change. Just keep in mind you're system isn't going to be balanced by any means, and if you were to try and play battlefield 1 on that cpu at 1440p resolutions you'd get insane frame dips and the GTX 1080TI wouldn't be fully utilized. The minimum CPU system requirements for that game is a i5 6600k. You'd essentially be a wasting performance and money spent on the higher end hardware. If you like playing triple A titles and like high detail, I would keep your system the way it is, play at 1080p for a little while longer and save your money. This way you can purchase a well balanced system that can be used to it's full potential.

So If i go with a new platform, say 2600x plus a 1080ti, will that power supply be enough? if not how about this?

So If i go with a new platform, say 2600x plus a 1080ti, will that power supply be enough? if not how about this?
The card will certainly do it. I think your PSU should be fine, if not close.

I have an OC R7 1700 that performs almost identically to the 4690 I "upgraded" from everywhere except heavily multi threaded tasks...obviously. According to how well what you are playing utilizes multi core you probably wouldn't see much of a difference. Even many of the newer gen i core procs don't single thread better than those 4th gen i5 did.

I would say go for the GPU upgrade, perhaps a PSU...see how it runs and if you aren't happy then you know what your next project will be, while enjoying a HEFTY boost in performance no matter where you land over your current GPU.