Upgrade from GTX 275 to a GTX 660 or above


Feb 23, 2013
I have a Q9300 CPU with G33 chipset 650 watt corsair pwr supply. Will I beable to support this upgrade.
there will be a CPU bottleneck but it will work. Honestly, what games are you playing? they may benefit more from spending the same cash on a CPU upgrade, the gtx275 is already cpu bottlenecked. On the other hand, if you want to play crysis 3 a dx11 gpu is manditory, so then upgrade the gpu.

I am currently playing ME3 Skyrim Far Cry 3 , crysis and crysis 2. I need dx11 to play crysis 3.
Thank all of you for the feed back. I do not want to up grade the cpu on a 775 socket. In the future i will be building a better rig. This is just to get me by with dx11. I have no problems playing any of my games until i down loaded crysis 3 without reading the requirements for the game smart.

Iam playing ME3,Skyrim,FarCry3, Crysis and Crysis2. I need Dxll for Crysis 3.