Upgrade from gtx 660 help

Aug 24, 2018
I am looking to upgrade from a gtx 660 i have a ryzen 1600 and i want to know if i should wait for a rtx series or buy the 1000 series?

wanting to spend less then 600$ cad and i play games that are demanding like rust and siege wanting to get high fps.
I don't think you can get a good deal on RTX cards.
Which monitor do you have?
I suggest you look for the GTX 1080 ti which you could find below $600. You could also find the GTX 1080 for less than $500.
Without anyone knowing how much faster RTX cards really are, it's hard to say if you should wait or not. Assuming you are running at 1080p, Newegg Canada prices put you in range of the 1070-1070 Ti. Those should get you high enough framerates that any 'extra' RTX performance won't matter.

if you play at 1080p your cpu is too weak for the newer gen gpu's if they jump in performance much beyond the current gen

nab a gtx 1070 - gtx 1080

anything more is wasted on your setup if you dont go higher rez

also that older ryzen is not very good for high refresh rate gaming