Upgrade Graphics Card


Jan 9, 2015
I have a HP a6700y with AMD Phenom 9150e quad core processor running Windows Vista and GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 graphics card I wanted to go the route of a GTX 750Ti but not sure if my desktop is too old. The game I am trying to run requires NVIDIA GeForce 8600 or higher any suggestions?
Is it better to go with the 750 Ti instead, is there different 750 models I saw some have one cooling fan while others have two? Also should I upgrade my PSU?
Sorry, I should have been more clear. There is a difference between the gtx 750 and gtx 750 ti. The ti is 5-15% faster and usually it comes with more dedicated memory. Your power supply will handle the gtx 750 ti however, if you have the money, it is always safer to upgrade to a higher quality one. Here is a few budget friendly psus that will handle your card and any future upgrades (for example, your cpu) nicely.



Thank you iballew you have been very helpful, only other question I have is I found two EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB GDDR5 one has one cooling fan and the other with two cooling fans and bout $33 more than the 750 w/1 fan is there any benefit going with the one with two cooling fans?

Do you mean bottleneck the 750 Ti w/dual fan or the 750 Ti in general?
The gtx 750 ti is a very cool running card that does not need two fans unless you want to overclock it as much as possible. The single fan version is smaller and tends to go well in pre built machines like yours.

Your cpu is pretty old and might not keep up with the card like ohio_grad said. If you want a better cpu, you will have to buy a new motherboard (30$ refurbished off of amazon) and a new cpu (100$ fx6300). With those two upgrades, you will have more than triple the cpu performance and a modernized machine.
If I get a new graphics card and install it in my current computer and I'm not satisfied I can always pull it out and put it in a new board and cpu? Any recommendations on boards and cpu's? If I do get a new board/cpu I will have to install a new operating system? (current os Vista)
PS sorry about all the questions.
With the operating system as long as you keep the current c# drive in your computer the operating system will remain - but in some cases you might have to call microsoft to have them give you a new serial # for the license for windows vista . For the board & CPU Replacement any particular brand you are looking to use & what is your budget as well ?
Nvidia_Mike, I haven't done much research on boards & CPU so I am open to suggestions. I saw a lot of the new computers using i5, I don't plan on doing a whole lot of gaming on my computer, more of an xbox gamer but if a pc game does catch my eye I would like to have a computer capable. I'm not looking to spend $1000+ on a build as I don't intend to play a whole lot of pc games. If I were to install a CPU should I look for dual core or quad core, or the 6 core iballew suggested. I thought I read that gaming computers it was best to go dual core as it focuses on one task where as quad core is good for multitasking, but most newer games are requiring quad core and up CPU.