B Bizcuit81 Reputable Jan 8, 2015 1 0 4,510 Jan 8, 2015 #1 Can anyone tell me is my Samsung 905 notebooks HDD can be upgraded and if so how high can I go to max it out? I'm running a 120G drive in it at the moment and its not nearly enough space. Any guidance would be much appreciated Thanks :')
Can anyone tell me is my Samsung 905 notebooks HDD can be upgraded and if so how high can I go to max it out? I'm running a 120G drive in it at the moment and its not nearly enough space. Any guidance would be much appreciated Thanks :')
PizzaTheHutt Honorable Jan 2, 2015 1,809 0 12,460 Jan 8, 2015 #2 You should be able to upgrade it but if you are unsure you can consider purchasing an external USB 3.0 hard drive for all of your files, just leaving your OS and applications on the SSD. Upvote 0 Downvote
You should be able to upgrade it but if you are unsure you can consider purchasing an external USB 3.0 hard drive for all of your files, just leaving your OS and applications on the SSD.