Upgrade help needed

May 6, 2018
Hi just looking for a bit of advice I have a rather old desk top and i'm looking to upgrade the graphics card in it done some research and for the core i have everyone seems to be suggesting a gtx 660 my mother board is a msi 2a9c my core is a i5 760 and the praphics card i have at the moment is a gt 620 with a 300w power supply can anyone give me any recommendations thank you in advance.
Currently with a 300W PSU you'll be struggling to handle a gtx 660 and a i5 760, first I'd contemplate on upgrading to a 450w power supply. (https://www.ebuyer.com/726366-corsair-vs-series-450-watt-power-supply-cp-9020096-uk?mkwid=s_dc&pcrid=51482424299&pkw=&pmt=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz7rXBRD9ARIsABfBl82x2WUshISuU4N8pGGqlcdshigPPbdJjfoHx_jTguHcedadv2otZKgaAgESEALw_wcB) Thats possibly one of your cheapest options. After getting a new PSU, then focus on getting a new graphics card, the one you listed would be ideal because geforce recommend a 450W PSU for the card.
Currently with a 300W PSU you'll be struggling to handle a gtx 660 and a i5 760, first I'd contemplate on upgrading to a 450w power supply. (https://www.ebuyer.com/726366-corsair-vs-series-450-watt-power-supply-cp-9020096-uk?mkwid=s_dc&pcrid=51482424299&pkw=&pmt=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz7rXBRD9ARIsABfBl82x2WUshISuU4N8pGGqlcdshigPPbdJjfoHx_jTguHcedadv2otZKgaAgESEALw_wcB) Thats possibly one of your cheapest options. After getting a new PSU, then focus on getting a new graphics card, the one you listed would be ideal because geforce recommend a 450W PSU for the card.