Upgrade i5 3570k OC @ 4ghz?

Nov 16, 2018
Hello everyone, I hope I posted in the right section ...
I would like an advice on how to make a nice upgrade of my old i5 3570k, (today still work very well for my usage). Is it really worth it for my needs?
Currently my build is as follows:
- I5 3570k OC @ 4.ghz
- GTX 1060 6gb gaming x msi (5 months of life)
- Master Liquid Lite 240mm
- 16GB DDR3 Hyper fury x
- Asrock z75 pro3
The graphics card, Corsair CX650M power supply and Aio I would not change. Mainly the following build will be destined for Gaming, I have a BenQ as a monitor therefore remaining on 1080p 60hz. Currently the games all turn me to full High 60fps + and use vsync if not me a slight but annoying tearing only on isometric game. I prefer MMORPG, RPG, ARPG and graphic adventures but I do not dislike some very casual FPS pubg, battlefield and Overwatch but mostly I prefer the first ones, so I'm not looking for anything to play with the 144hz. I have read many people and seen videos on the tube that combining an i5 8600k-9600k have bottleneck .... but the opinions are really conflicting ... so I honestly do not know what to do, but at the same time I would like to change the block in view of new games on the market combined with my 1060 and always play on high / ultra 60fps. I have everything on an old Hdd so maybe even a Ssd would be nice?
I ask you whether to take the step forward or stay with the current configuration maybe push OC to 4.5ghz? (is rly a little good upgrade?) or waiting, perhaps to change the GPU and then make a whole new rig.
Thank you!
I’d wait. If you upgrade now you’ll have to get a new motherboard new ram and a new CPU. If you did upgrade now I’d recommend a Ryzen processor, but new Ryzen should be out in the next 6 months or so and it’s not 100% certain they will work with current AM4 boards. Intel is pretty overpriced at the moment and who knows how they will respond to next gen Ryzen. I’d try and wait just a bit longer. In the mean time you can save up and build something really nice when the dust settles!

But do definitely get an SSD now and migrate windows to it. This is such a huge improvement. An SSD will make your machine feel brand new and will carry over to any future build. SSD prices are also extremely good at the moment. You can get a 1tb Samsung 860...
I’d wait. If you upgrade now you’ll have to get a new motherboard new ram and a new CPU. If you did upgrade now I’d recommend a Ryzen processor, but new Ryzen should be out in the next 6 months or so and it’s not 100% certain they will work with current AM4 boards. Intel is pretty overpriced at the moment and who knows how they will respond to next gen Ryzen. I’d try and wait just a bit longer. In the mean time you can save up and build something really nice when the dust settles!

But do definitely get an SSD now and migrate windows to it. This is such a huge improvement. An SSD will make your machine feel brand new and will carry over to any future build. SSD prices are also extremely good at the moment. You can get a 1tb Samsung 860 Evo for only $20 more than what the 500gb 850 was a year and a half ago.
I would agree with huntlong on this the 3570k is still a good strong CPU even with the new hardware that's out, I only changed from mine to 4690k a year ago because I swapped with a friend and never noticed a hint of it struggling with anything.