Upgrade my 7870 GHz Crossfire to R9 290x or wait for R9 300 Series

Nehemiah Yap

Aug 8, 2013
I currently have a 7870 Ghz Crossfire setup. It has great performance for games that support for Crossfire, but most games don't. My friend wants to sell me his R9 290x for $220. Should I buy his 290x. or should I wait for the new AMD series?
I think you should just take your friend's offer. 390X 8GB (which is 290X with double the memory) will end up around 430. Not sure if AMD has any intention to make 390X 4GB.
Wait for that r9 300 they are very near mate. Made an appearance at E3
Some are saying the 300 series are re-branded but their beefed up I guess, so their not fully rebranded they should be better performance.

But will i get better performance for $220. Will the R9 370x or 380x have better performance than a 290x?


I dont think 370x willl 380x will be around 290x they will be in par. So i guess 290x will have to do for you mate. unless you were u getting 390x that would be a good upgrade but of course it won't be cheap.

I think I could fetch around $150 for the 7870s, as they have been used only for gaming. Another question is my friend has three R9 290x models, Asus Direct CUII, PowerColor, and Sapphire. Which one do you think I should go for? They are both the same price.