Upgrade my gigabyte windforce gtx 770 oc 4gb to?


Aug 6, 2012
Have a gigabyte windforce gtx 770 oc 4gb,2560x1080 monitor and was sitting and playing tomb raider 2013 where i wanted a bit more gpu power.

Have gotten a good offer for my card so i can buy me a new gtx 780 or a R9 290X if i want to (good price for a Asus R9 290X dcuii, Gigabyte windforce R9 290X) all 4 card's (asus,gigabyte) costs the same.

Asus R9 290X are a quiet card but temps go up to 94 celsius but not over even when the card is oc'ed. Gigabyte's windforce R9 290X i haven't seen any rewies of, so i don't know if it's a loud card which i don't want.

A gtx 780 from asus and gigabytes costs the same as the R9 290X, because the asus card is more silent in load,games i tend to go with that, although i can make a fan profile in msi afterburner and the gigabyte card (runs a bit faster 889 vs 954 mhz) would also be silent in games.

I could get a second (used) gtx 770 4gb, but it would cost me 50% more then it would cost me to sell my gtx 770 4gb and buy a R9 290X or gtx 780, 100% more to upgrade to a gtx 780 ti then a gtx 780,R9 290X.

I have games like Boarderlands 2,bf3-4,crysis 1-3,metro 2033,skyrim,tombraider 2013,titanfall, all the bioshock games (bishock 1 - bioshock infinite) and alot of racing games.

Games like bioshock,crysis,bf 3-4 (campaign) i can max out with any fps problem (low fps) all newer games i can't play with all the bells and whistle on, to me a good fps is min 60 in the easy games in ultra,max graphic and newer demanding games 40 fps would be max or 60 fps with medium graphic settings.

Which card would you recommend me to buy?

A quiet card is important to me and if i had the money i could easily imagine buying the 34" 3440x1440 monitor from lg (have 2 monitors)

Don't know how many R9 290X i would need for diffrent games and setting but here you can se how many you would need with a gtx 760,770,780

I agree with Jovan93, The 800 series cards come at a lower price point than the 780 and 770 cards we already have. The also have lower power usage which means cooler cards. But the big winner is the VRAM. The 800's have alot, and for 4k that's a winner. Best part is they come out in 4-6 maybe 7 months. Also 40 FPS is not bad, if 60 is what you aim for the 780 only adds about 8-12 more fps over the 770, and the 780ti only ~15 more. And games we have yet to see will drop that to around 40 again. Have patience friend, DX12 and the 800 series are likely to be game changers.

stick with the card wait next gen 800 series thats a good card you have no reason to change it now
I agree with Jovan93, The 800 series cards come at a lower price point than the 780 and 770 cards we already have. The also have lower power usage which means cooler cards. But the big winner is the VRAM. The 800's have alot, and for 4k that's a winner. Best part is they come out in 4-6 maybe 7 months. Also 40 FPS is not bad, if 60 is what you aim for the 780 only adds about 8-12 more fps over the 770, and the 780ti only ~15 more. And games we have yet to see will drop that to around 40 again. Have patience friend, DX12 and the 800 series are likely to be game changers.