I am using this:
MB: Asus p5vd2-vm
CPU: E6600
RAM: 4gb
And i need a gpu that will allow me some gaming,but cheaper ones.. I used to have 8500gt(yeah,i know.. ) And run 2k14,Dishonored etc at playable frame rates at 1280x1024.. but ,8500 died so i need some recommendations..
And what games i would be able to play/how well with gpu that you recommend?
MB: Asus p5vd2-vm
CPU: E6600
RAM: 4gb
And i need a gpu that will allow me some gaming,but cheaper ones.. I used to have 8500gt(yeah,i know.. ) And run 2k14,Dishonored etc at playable frame rates at 1280x1024.. but ,8500 died so i need some recommendations..
And what games i would be able to play/how well with gpu that you recommend?