Upgrade needed advice


Jan 10, 2016
Hello guys,

Currently have an i5 6600 (non-k) this because when I bought my pc that was the only processor available, right know I've been thinking if is needed to perform an upgrade to my processor to a k version or to a 6700k version, this to get some increase on my FPS, however the 6600 haven't give me any issues, it's been working great however I would like to know if a CPU upgrade will perform a significant increase on my gaming experience or not.

Best regards.
Basically, a faster processor will make a small improvement, but unless you have a GTX980 GPU and really really care about such things, you probably won't notice the difference.
I am about to build a new PC for my son with a i5 6600 like yours, and I fully expect the CPU and motherboard to last at least 5 years before it needs an upgrade.

Thanks for your answer, I really thought the same, is not a bad processor, ill better save the money for an upgrade on my GPU.