Upgrade old PSU?


Jun 12, 2016
Hello everyone,

I am planning to do an upgrade from an e5200 @3.6, hd5770, 3 hdds, etc to an G4560, 16 gigs of ram, and transfer the other components.
The psu I have is a seasonic 430W which I purchased second hand 9 years ago, so it must be over 10 years old.
I looked at the values on the 12v and 5v lines in full load, in HWMonitor it says:
12.032 in idle and 11.648 at the lowest value. The 5v is at 4.7 idle and 4.5 lowest value. In bios the 12v line is at 11.6.
Now with a multimeter via molex I get 12.32 in idle and 12.29 at load, 5v for idle and 4.99 for load.
I how that the software does not always get the right values so should I take the multimeter mesurements as accurate?

Even so, should I still change the psu?
If I were to keep this one,what are the other things I could check, bloated capacitors?

@CRO5513Y I'm on a budget, and I found it strange that the psu would still give those values after so much time.
@jpe1701, it's this one I thing: https://seasonic.com/product/s12ii-430/ , an 80+.

$40 in the us, however the cheapest psu I can get for about $50 is either a Corsair NEW VS Series VS450 or a Super Flower SF-550K12XP.


That is a great price. I didn't notice that because I went straight for the seasonic because the OP had seasonic previously. Good save. Lol.

This is the new Corsair CXM lineup. I suggest you read up on these, they have been recommended around here a lot recently due to the excellent price for quality/reliability. Although i'd still personally grab a SeaSonic S12-II Series PSU, the Corsair CXM is unbeatable budget PSU at that price. Here is a recent Tom's review on the 650w model > http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/corsair-cx650m-psu,4770-11.html.
Change It!!!!!! ,I tried to get too much life out of a really high quality power supply once and once only and after 8 years , it blew up literally ,Blue smoke nightmare , and fried the board,Its not worth the risk .You got good value anyway out of it .Its better to be safe than sorry and you will probably save money in the long run and have piece of mind.


That is a great price. I didn't notice that because I went straight for the seasonic because the OP had seasonic previously. Good save. Lol.
