Upgrade options available for HP dc5800?


Jan 3, 2013
Hello. I have an HP dc5800. [ Quickspecs: http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/12863_ca/12863_ca.pdf ]
I'm looking for the best video card upgrade for current and future gaming. I have upgraded to 8GB of RAM, installed a 600W PSU, and my current processor is a 2.4ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. I would like to be able to play Minecraft very well at high FPS and most current and future games well at low to medium graphics settings. What are some good upgrade options under $150? Thanks in advance for all incoming responses! :) Edit: I think is has a PCI Express x16 expansion slot.


Link says not found?

I have 2 DC5800s, they work great. 1 is the mini tower 4 slots which has a better layout and can take any graphics card you can think of.

The other is a full tower 7 slotst the one major problem is the case and motherboad are a crazy BTX-ATX thing. This means a normal double wide video card will not fit because it will bump into the CPU cooler. Its a real shame because the rest of the layout is wonderful, and electrically any card is compatible, but wont work because of 1/2 inch of clearence.

Does yours have 4 expansion slots in the back or 7?

If you have the 4 slot case then you can fit any card I would go with the HD7770 for around $125, or the HD7850 for around $175.


Oct 17, 2013

Hi, I also have the microtower dc5800 and I'm looking to upgrade the PSU. Which unit did you go for or do you know the dimensions of the PSU so I can search out a new one? I've heard not all PSUs will fit the microtower so that's why I ask. Thanks