Upgrade path - advice needed - AMD SLI Build


Aug 15, 2014
Hi there,

this is my current build:
AMD Athlon II X4 640
ASUSTeK Computer INC. M4A78LT-M (AM3)
8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 669MHz
1023MB NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 (have 2 of these)
Generic 600W PSU

Right then, what I'm looking for is an upgrade path that will let me upgrade one bit at a time so as not to break the bank so this is what I was thinking.

New Mobo choices:
Asus M5A99X or M5A99FX
Asus Sabertooth 990FX

Are there any other choices (cheaper that fit the bill? - AMD SLI boards...Asrock 970 Extreme4?)

From what I can tell any of these choices will be compatible with what I currently have.

New CPU choices:

From what I can tell these CPU's will be compatible with both the new mobo choices and the current mobo

3. Assuming I'm correct what replacement order would be recommended?

4. Am I wasting my time SLI'ing 2 GTS 450's or should I just spend the coin on something else (with a view to SLI in the future)

5. I'll probs need a new PSU, any recommendations?

Sorry for the long post
1&2) I have the M5A99FX R2.0 with an FX-8350 and it's great!

3) I'd recommend upgrading the motherboard first, since I believe the 6300, 8320, and 8350 use AM3+. Im not sure if an AM3+ CPU will fit in an AM3 socket.

4) The GTX 800 series comes out in September, and it's rumored to start at $400-$500, with the specs being somewhere between the 780 and 780ti. This sounds like a solid upgrade to your current cards!

5) I currently have a corsair 750m. It's a little overkill for my current build, but it's nice to have room to upgrade :)

Good luck!
1&2) I have the M5A99FX R2.0 with an FX-8350 and it's great!

3) I'd recommend upgrading the motherboard first, since I believe the 6300, 8320, and 8350 use AM3+. Im not sure if an AM3+ CPU will fit in an AM3 socket.

4) The GTX 800 series comes out in September, and it's rumored to start at $400-$500, with the specs being somewhere between the 780 and 780ti. This sounds like a solid upgrade to your current cards!

5) I currently have a corsair 750m. It's a little overkill for my current build, but it's nice to have room to upgrade :)

Good luck!
Personally i'm rocking an FX-6300 and the ASUS M5A99FX PRO R2. I love the combo.

If you want something cooler that still moves you could get the 6300 or the 8300 will be available soon enough. They are 95w cpus.

Most people go for the 8350 though, which requires more power and runs a little bit hotter.

Go for the MoBo first. Your current CPU is on the supported list for the M5A99FX PRO R2. So you'll be ok if you chose that one.

Thanks for the 2 great answers guys. One final question then..

Apart from the obvious what is the difference between the M5A99X and the M5A99FX (the obvious difference being the price).

Is the X good enough or should I pay the extra £15-£20 for the FX??

The FX has one more SATA port, and 2 16x PCI-E lanes which is better for dual high end GPU's, but that's all that I'm aware of!