Upgrade Power Supply?

Daniel Thompson

Jul 11, 2013
My current build is this:
i5 750 (no OC atm, but was OC'd to 4.2 with the same setup a while back)
Gigabyte p55a-UD3
8gb Corsair Vengeance 1600
640GB WD Caviar Black
Corsair TX650W

I have been waiting on haswell to upgrade and have decided to upgrade to a i7 4770k + Gigabyte z87x-UD4H. Ideally I would like to OC the CPU to 4.5. Also plan on adding a Samsung 840 or 840 pro SSD (depending on price at micro center).

The power supply was bought back in Dec 2009 with the initial i5 build. I have added everything up on http://www.extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp and it came out to ~510w on 100% full load and I also read that the 4770k will use less power than the i5 750.

Do I need to upgrade the PSU? The main thing I am worried about is the age of the PSU so I figured I would come here to ask people more knowledgable than me before I go to micro center to get everything.

Thanks ahead of time.
You have a quality PSU and, at that load, you should expect several more years from it. No worries... The Corsair 650w will be fine.