Upgrade Questions GFX and PowerSupply


Jan 18, 2016
Hi everyone,

I wanted to upgrade my graphics card and my power supply. Here are my specs to my computer; Windows 10, Intel Core i5 2320 @ 3.00GHz, 8gb ram, Motherboard: Gateway IPISB-VR. My budget is around 100-350$. The reason being is because I wanted to play games. (like Tera and BnS) Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you!

(PS: if this is on the wrong section, I apologize)

Because I'm not entirely sure how much power your build needs, here are a few good options for 430 watt or 600 watt.
This PSU is 600 watts and only $34.99 and pretty reliable -
These two PSUs are both only 430 watts but 19.99 and still pretty reliable...

Because I'm not entirely sure how much power your build needs, here are a few good options for 430 watt or 600 watt.
This PSU is 600 watts and only $34.99 and pretty reliable -
These two PSUs are both only 430 watts but 19.99 and still pretty reliable

As for the GPU - I'd say go with this
It's under 100 dollars and should be able to run those two games without a problem. It should also be able to handle many more graphically demanding games; I have it myself, it's the best thing ever!

Total Price:

Thank you, I ended up buying that card since it only uses 60W. turns out my psu is only 300w and the motherboard is so old that 2pin doesn't fit to new psu. So yeah thanks!