upgrade ram for SAPPHIRE HD 6570


Dec 10, 2013
I have Graphic card SAPPHIRE HD 6570 2GB DDR3 and i have only 2GB ram DDR3 .
I want to know if i upgrade my ram to 4GB or 6GB is that will effect more on gaming performance or no . and i want to know if it worth to try it or no . becouse i cant play games like BF3 or COD ghosts , however i can play games like assassin creed with very good performance and crysis 3.

I see nothing wrong with that pair. The CPU wont bottleneck that GPU and your CPU performance should be good for a long time.
Your CPU is a very big factor here. Its mainly going to be about the number of cores here but as far as RAM goes hell yes you will get so much more performance going up to 4GB and then anything above that is just extra but it will help. If you want I can link you some GPU's that are really cheap(under $100) that will improve performance SIGNIFICANTLY. But for now I suggest RAM upgrade over anything else first.

You are gonna want to upgrade that. But first upgrade RAM before anything else. After RAM I suggest a CPU upgrade as the 6570 isnt too bad right now and at lowest settings it should still let you play games but I think the E5300 is just too outdated right now. Intel is releasing their pentium soon(I think June 25th or something not too sure) on sale for like $75. But this would mean you would have to upgrade the motherboard probably.

Try this: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ttygQ7
You get a quad core processor with the ability to upgrade your CPU later on if you want and you get 4GB of RAM so with your 2GB that you have you should be at 6GB which is a very good amount. You can use your 6570 here too. At the moment this is the cheapest best possible route to go but maybe the new pentium might be better who knows until it gets released for all of us to buy.

but can i use this parts
Intel® Core™ i5-3450 3.1GHz 6MB Cache Processor
ASUS H61MK Socket 1155 Motherboard 380
Kingston HyperX 4GB DDR3 1600MHz CL9 1.65v
with my SAPPHIRE HD 6570 or what

but can i use this parts
Intel® Core™ i5-3450 3.1GHz 6MB Cache Processor
ASUS H61MK Socket 1155 Motherboard 380
Kingston HyperX 4GB DDR3 1600MHz CL9 1.65v
with my SAPPHIRE HD 6570 or what

I see nothing wrong with that pair. The CPU wont bottleneck that GPU and your CPU performance should be good for a long time.

OK my friend I will buy this parts with my GPU and after 6 months i will buy New GPU and power supply is that will be good for new games.

SeaSonic ECO 500W
Intel® Core™ i5-3450 3.1GHz 6MB Cache Processor
ASUS H61MK Socket 1155 Motherboard 380
Kingston HyperX 4GB DDR3 1600MHz CL9 1.65v
with my SAPPHIRE HD 6570