Upgrade suggestions please?


Apr 27, 2011
So guys... I have around $650US to spend on my PC. lol

Current specs:
Intel i7 870 @ 3.9Ghz
Sapphire HD7950 Vapor-X
Corsair H80
Corsair 400R
Corsair Dominators CL8 1600mhz
MSi P55-GD65
40GB Intel 320SSD
500GB Barracuda
150GB Velociraptor
3x1080P 23 Samsung Screens
Seasonic M12ii 620W

I was going to jump to an i5 4670k and add two SSD's in RAID 0 but the fact my PSU doesn't support Haswell stopped that.

So what would you do?

Any suggestions would be nice :3
1) Upgrade to Ivy Bridge, which when both chips are pushed hard, is better than Haswell anyways.

2) Putting SSDs in RAID 0 is a terrible idea - you're gaining no benefit and running double the risk of failure. Just get a single ~128GB drive to put windows and programs on. (Because remember, most games don't gain any benefit from being on a SSD.)

3) Consider buying a second 7950 if you upgrade to a crossfire-capable motherboard, to increase your performance when gaming on all three monitors.
1) Upgrade to Ivy Bridge, which when both chips are pushed hard, is better than Haswell anyways.

2) Putting SSDs in RAID 0 is a terrible idea - you're gaining no benefit and running double the risk of failure. Just get a single ~128GB drive to put windows and programs on. (Because remember, most games don't gain any benefit from being on a SSD.)

3) Consider buying a second 7950 if you upgrade to a crossfire-capable motherboard, to increase your performance when gaming on all three monitors.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.1413997 CPU/MB Combo 320$ USD

and http://www.tomshardware.com/news/msi-gtx-760-hawk-geforce,23821.html wait for this, with 330$ USD left you should be able to grab one if not go with http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127745

for warning, Im a MSI / Nvidia fan, Ive used their products since my very first computer build in 2003 when I was 13 and I still have that computer running as a show piece. MSI 6600GT, 128mb of GDDR3. . man it was a beast in the day. .

Thanks for that guys, I'll probably look at the Ivy upgrade and a new single SSD for boot :) But are there any other suggestions?