Upgrade to a 6700k?


Jul 28, 2014
My cousin couldn't finish his build and give me his brand new motherboard asus z170. I have a i7 4790k and is it worth wild to upgrade to a 6700k since I got the motherboard for free and give him my 4790k with the motherboard plus ram? I know it won't be a huge boost but at least it's more up to date.
I did ask him that I can help him out in buying the cou but he said if I do that then he rather let me have the newer parts then him having it incsse if something happens to it since I know more about computers than he does.
So what he told me is that all he's going to be doing and using it for is league, runescape, and minecraft hahaha which I don't know why he would need a high end for those games.
For about $130, he could slap a Pentium G4560 and 8GB DDR4 RAM into that system and it should tide him over for that list of games until he's able to eventually save up for an i7. The Kaby Lake Pentiums have hyper-threading and perform around 90% of an i3.
Sad thing is that he can't return the motherboard. I keep telling him that I can help him out just he keeps saying he better off having me get the better one and he can use the older one since he isn't doing high end gaming or editing.