Upgrade to GTX 780 SLI?


Sep 20, 2013
Hi all,

I'm looking for a bit of advice on whether I should upgrade my build to include another GTX 780 to run in SLI with my current one.

My monitor is a 27" Acer XB270HA, running G-Sync and 144hz wherever possible in gaming. Currently I am getting around 70 - 110 fps in Battlefield 4 and would like to get the average framerate much higher to around 120-144fps or above at 1080p on max detail.

I can purchase a brand new GTX 780 for £199.99, or can pick one up second hand on gumtree for around £150.

I notice that there is some new architecture looming next year in "Pascal" haven't looked into it in any more detail than that. Would spending £150-£200 on another 780 now be a good spend, or should I just wait for next year?

System specs are in my signature.

Thanks in advance.

Kenneth Barker

Aug 17, 2015
SLI in the 700 series should bring in around an increase of 60-80% its a pretty good performance return. You certainly don't need it though at 1080P. You really wont see much difference in increasing your frame rates beyond the 100s. Not really sure what the problem is with your current system and layout to be honest.


Jun 27, 2012
There will always be something new in the coming months. Waiting for the next big thing means you'll never buy anything.

On the other hand, if you know which specific games you'll play and want to max out performance on those games, then it becomes easier to see if you should wait or not. Since you just want to max performance on BF4, adding a second 780 should help. Newer games would benefit from newer architectures, but those are not the priority in this situation.

Just make sure your PSU can handle the extra card. Otherwise, 200 pounds is a great price for a 780.
Dual cards will improve FPS benchmarks.
But, other issues may show up.
You might be more prone to stuttering or screen tearing.

If you want to do better now, I suggest you simply sell your GTX780 in favor of a GTX980ti.
You will get a nice boost in performance.

Pascal may well be 50% stronger as a single card whenever it arrives, but be prepared to pay a healthy premium for it.
Hopefully, the AMD response will keep prices in check.

If you like what you see with pascal or amd, then you can simply do another replacement.


Jun 27, 2012

Frame pacing has essentially eliminated most concern with SLI, specially with a game as mature as BF4. And he's got G-Sync, so there's very little cause for concern.

Furthermore, selling his 780 to get a 980 Ti would cost $650 + tax, minus whatever he can get for the 780, which would make the total about $300 if he manages to get an awesome price on the sale of his 780. Meanwhile, 200 pounds gets him a second 780, which should overpower the 980 Ti in most games. Doesn't really make much sense.