Upgrade to gtx970 or buy a new computer when pascal comes out.


Jan 21, 2016
So basically the title says it. I'm not sure what to do.
I bought my computer almost 5 years ago, in february 2011.

edit: (i wrote 5 years but my brother pointed out it was in 2012, so its 4 years -_-)

CPU: i5-2500k
GPU: gtx570
Motherboard: asus p8z68-v LE
Power supply: 600w atx thermal take
Case: ATX CM storm Enforcer
Memmory: 8gb

I never overclocked it, i basically never felt the need to with the games i was playing (mainly ffxiv, wow, rift) and i'm kinda scared to break something -.-;
Now i'm playing eso and plan to play Black desert online when it comes out. I wanna play those games at fairly high settings. So i'm thinking, is it worth it to upgrade to a GTX970 now, and would it work with my setup? Will i need to overclock the i5-2500k or it would be fine at stock clock?

Basically i'm a newb and need advice. I had this computer built for me at a shop, but lately i've been watching videos and changing a GPU seems easy so i thought, maybe i could try if it's worth it in my case.

And lastly, the fact that my stuff is 5 years old, is it worth it to upgrade? I mean, will my i5-2500k die soon and i would have to upgrade that too? If so, i should probably wait for this summer and buy a whole new setup with an ssd (i only have a 500gb sata, thought its enough space for me).

I need advice pls :)

(i live in canada)

A 2500k is still a solid enough processor but you would probably need to OC it if you can to get most out of it, but then even at stock it would probably still last a bit.

I don't se the processor dying anytime soon! If you are happy with the speed it offers then still life in that old processor, and paired with a 970 would still be fine, depending on what games you play.
A 2500k is still a solid enough processor but you would probably need to OC it if you can to get most out of it, but then even at stock it would probably still last a bit.

I don't se the processor dying anytime soon! If you are happy with the speed it offers then still life in that old processor, and paired with a 970 would still be fine, depending on what games you play.
yea, i've been checking alot of other boards too about the 2500k with the gtx 970 and most people seem to think like you and that i should be fine, so I think i'll buy a 970 instead of waiting for pascal.
Tnx for the help :)
So I built mine in 2011 and recently decided to grab a GTX 970 last week. I can max out The Division with a smooth 60fps+ and Black Desert Online at max at about 40-60fps, depending on the area. I might pick up another 970 on sale when the next gen of cards come out. With this setup, I'd rather just save my money and buy an entirely new rig in a couple years!


(OLD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161372)


Power Supply: 850w

16GB http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145345