Upgrade video card? Or add another?


Aug 16, 2004
I have an older setup and I'm about to upgrade processors (which requires a mobo change). While upgrading this, I'm taking a look at other parts of the PC to update. I currently have an XFX HD 6950 (2GB) video card. Should I junk it and buy something current? Or should I find and buy another identical card to run in Crossfire? Any decent current card is going to run me ~$250, whereas another HD 6950 can be found under $100.

As for my gaming demands, it's pretty light. I largely don't play many games. Lately I've played Borderlands 2 and a little bit of the new Call of Duty. But before that...probably a year+ without playing a game on this PC. But I don't upgrade often, so I kinda want to get it to a level where it can hang around 3-4 years without any more upgrades.