So, I have an amd athlon 1.4 with an asus a7v133a and 1gig sdram. I have the cpu clocked to 1540/140fsb. It runs pretty good, except the only thing I want from an upgrade is much better fps in battlefield: vietnam and other games in general (usually around 30-90 with the minimum dip being 25, average being around 40-50). I have a radeon 8500 64. For games I guess the easiest thing would be to just upgrade my video card on this system, but will the sdram, 1540 proc. hinder performance of say a 9600/9700? Getting a new mobo/cpu/ram is really last resort as I'll have to reinstall everything, transfer everything, one big pain in the ass (lots of progs), with a vid. card I can just replace. If it's another ATI card I don't even have to reinstall the drivers correct? How much of an increase would I see going from the 8500 to a more current ati card? I'm on a tight college budget... what would people here reccomend?