Upgrade worth it?


Apr 22, 2009
Hey I built a new PC a few years back and was wondering if I should upgrade it or just build a new PC.
Current Specs
Q6600 intel processor o/c to 3.3ghz
650 w corsair psu
4 gig ddr 2 ram
no video card (My 4870 1 gig died on me. My fault, I tipped over the computer case while I was working on it and it fell right on to a glass of coke 🙁 )
640 gig hard drive at 7200 rpm
Currently on a 1080p 23" monitor
OS: dual boot Windows 7 beta 64 bit and Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit

Possible Upgrade
4890(not sure between sapphire or XFX)
4 more gigs of ddr3 ram(total 8 gig. Again, I am not sure this will make that much of difference and I am open to suggestions)
or 8gigs of ddr3 ram (I have one of those useless motherboards that supports both ddr3 and ddr2)

or should I just build a new I7 build, because my processor is pretty old and I don't know how much longer I can continue on with it. (I need a rig that lasts me for a little less than 1.5 years, and I doubt I can do it with my current specs)

Well my opinion is that you should just stick with DDR2 but go ahead and get another 2 x 2GB kit, it's too cheap not to.

Gonna need a video card regardless i take it? The 4890 is a good choice.

Don't get another computer though, that Q6600 is a good build and has definately not reached the end of it's service yet.
Sorry I meant 4 gigs more of ddr2 not ddr3 or 8gig of new ddr3 typo
Anyway thanks for the quick reply boonality, and I will probably go with the 2x2 sticks of ddr2 like you suggested if I choose to upgrade.
What OS are you running? I would assume XP or Vista 64 bit since you have 4GB of ram and want another 4Gb. Unless you have apps that NEED 8GB of ram, it would be fruitless.

What motherboard chipset do you have? just curious.

Honestly you have a good system. Buy a videocard for goodness sake. A 4890 or GTX275 would be great.

What do you use your PC for? Granted an i7 is SWEET, but really from an OCed Q6600 you won't be blown out of the water or anything.