So if I did get 800Mhz it would be:
CPU -800Mhz->Northbridge -800Mhz-> Memory
So the throughput would be higher, is this right or did i screw up somewhere?
There are some underlying hardware tweaks that make the analysis a little more complicated.
First, the (default) clock speed of the FSB (Front Side Bus) which connects your CPU to the Northbridge (aka MCH for Memory Controller Hub) is 200MHz, not 800MHz. The 800 number comes from the fact that your FSB actually does 4 data transfers every clock cycle, not just 1. So the effective transfer rate is 800MT/s (Million Transfers per second ... or something like that) which is the FSB speed you're familiar with. The marketing folk like it because it's bigger.
Now the FSB has a width of 64 bits = 8 bytes. So when running the FSB at 200MHz it is capable of transfering a maximum of 8 bytes/transfer * 4 transfers/cycle * 200M cycles/second = 6.4GB/s. That's the maximum (theoretical) bandwidth of the FSB when it's running at the default speed for your CPU. (If I did the arithmetic correctly ...
😳 )
Since you've looked at the Corsair memory guide you already know about DDR meaning Dual Data Rate. So while your memory bus clock is running at 333MHz, the actual transfer rate is 2 transfers/cycle * 333M cycles/second = 666MT/s. That's why it's referred to as DDR2-667. Each transfer moves 8 bytes so the maximum effective bandwidth for the memory bus (ignoring latencies) is 8 bytes/transfer * 667 transfers/second = ~5300MB/s.
But your motherboard also supports the "Dual channel memory architecture". In dual channel mode there are actually two paths to memory, each of them 8 bytes wide. So each transfer can retrieve 16 bytes from memory, not just 8. When your memory is running at its rated speed of 667MT/s the maximum bandwidth is 16 bytes/transfer * 667M transfers/second or ~10.6GB/s. (I did the arithmetic wrong in my previous post.
So the FSB bandwidth is 6.4GB/s << memory bandwidth which is 10.6GB/s.
Bottom line: If you want a faster system, keep saving your money and sometime later this year, after prices have dropped some more, move to (probably) an Intel Core 2 motherboard and CPU. Amazingly you can keep your current DDR2-667 memory and still get a lot better performance by changing to the Core 2 CPUs. All you need to run a Core 2 is DDR2-533. With DDR2-667 you could even overclock a little bit, in which case the Core 2 would definitely whomp what you're current using.
Or so my reasoning goes ...
-john, the ostensibly clueless redundant legacy dinosaur waiting to be corrected