Hey guys! I've stumbled into a problem when upgrading my CPU from q8400 to x5470. my mobo is a GA-EP45-UD3P so its compatible with the mod. What my problem seems to be is that when I change my CPU, it boots up normally but windows detect its still a q8400, tho using HWMonitor, it said its an x5470. Besides that, if I go to my bios and put everything to default, windows would not boot and imminently crash. (using windows 10) I also cannot boot from a USB to reinstall windows 10 because it would crash aswell. I'm currently at a step in which it booted up (after going from q8400 to x5470 again (only way I can boot into windows is to change my CPU again)) and trying to reset windows via settings. If anyone can help it would be really appreciated!