Upgraded from 570 GTX to 760 GTX- Worried something is awry...


Jun 28, 2014
First time posting, and my expertise is a good bit limited, so I apologize if I sound naive or to put it in more forward terms- an idiot.

So I bit the bullet after researching what to replace my 3 year old 570 GTX with.

The 760 GTX seemed to be the best bang for the buck and saw some pretty impressive boasting about the performance of the card.

Got it and installed it(once I found an 8-pin PCI-E long enough to properly reach the card), I updated the driver and restarted. Ready to game.

I started out by loading up World of Tanks and maxing everything out. It worked but the FPS were a lot lower than I was expecting.

So I figured I'd try Titan Fall- same thing. Skyrim- same thing.

I then thought I'd a direct comparison between the 2 by using the the bench mark test that came on the DVD EVGA had included- Benchmark Valley.

On ultra the 760 only scored 10 points higher than the 570, from a cold start. In fact on the high setting the 570 marked higher. After seeing that I feel as though there may be something wrong with the card.

My question really is- is it possible my expectation were simply to high for a mid range card, is the 760 not that much of an upgrade over the 570, does this sound like a possible bad install on my part, or am I looking at a faulty card?

I wanted to try and fix the issue before bothering Customer Service at EVGA- especially if this is just me expected to much from a $250 card.

Here are my specs in case that helps...

Ultra X3 1k Watt PSU
i7-2600K Sandy Bridge
G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 16GB

Thanks for any help or advice. I appreciate it.
I disagree with the others, a 760 is a good noticable imrpovment over a 570.

First try removing all nvidia drivers and reinstalling the newest. If still no good I would try a fresh reinstall of windows.


Jun 28, 2014
I just ran it again and it is sitting at 1165. Temp was at 41 c and went up to 64 c once it was over with. In fact I tried it twice and the first time ended up crashing my computer.

That's a bit depressing Zombie. After reading reviews etc it sounded like it was going to be a noticeable improvement. As far as i can tell though it's simply a cooler, more stable version of the 570gtx.

Still cant help but think there is am issue I am over looking- especially if my score is way off of the mark you suggest I should be at Rob.

I am wondering if updating my BIOS would help? There was something in the box suggesting that old MBs may have issues. Maybe I should try that next?


Jun 15, 2014

you should have gone for a gtx 770 as there would of been a big differnce there


Jun 28, 2014
Updating the BIOS seemed to help significantly. Though I did have to re-install Windows 7 due to the update so that could of been the issue as well.

I think I may be having a PSU issue or a cooling issue as well. Not ready to replace those just yet though.

I can see a nice increase in the quality of some of the games. FPS are still a bit of a disappointment though. At least the $250 wasn't to hard of a hit.

Appreciate all of your help and opinions. Thanks!



Something is clearly wrong though, the Valley score is way off.

I still disagree with the others, the 760 is significantly better than the 570.

Check in device manager that the 760 has got the latest driver version.

Check temps as well, incase you CPU is getting too hot and throttling or something.


Dec 12, 2013

iam not saying 760 is poorer card than 570 ! but then then going from a 570 to 760 is not that big of an upgrade !



See my link below, it is a decent upgrade.