Question Upgraded from Ryzen 3 1200 to 3200g


Jan 7, 2019
Ok i just upgraded my cpu from 1200 to 3200g on Gigabyte a320m s2h motherboard but due to old processor being cpu not apu used to have 1050ti as display out.

Before upgrading I updated Bios to latest F50(made sure of this twice). Now after the change it isnt posting
Or powering usb components(keyboard/mouse) but theres fan spin.

Also no beeps.
"Note: Before update BIOS to F40 or later version, make sure you have prior updated to F32. "
- Did you upgrade to F32 first?
Yes I did haha first i updated it to f32 then to f50
just checked my with 1200 again.. Everything runs fine till i change the processor
I’m confused as which display port I should use. As 3200g is an apu.