Upgraded PC with new CPU, RAM and Motherboard. PC turns on but no display


Jan 5, 2018
I recently upgraded a few of my PC components, my CPU (+ cooler), RAM and Motherboard. When I turn on the PC all the fans spin and it appears to be powered on, however there's nothing showing on the display. I've tried multiple things, such as HDMI in the GPU and motherboard and also VGA aswell.

I ended up taking it to a computer repair shop and I was told that the 4-pin coming from the PSU (I think?) needed to be an 8-pin as it wasn't receiving enough power. I purchased an adapter for 4-pin to 8-pin and tried it out, but still no success.

Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should try to do? I've re-seated everything multiple times and even re-applied the paste on the CPU. I will leave my current parts below with some pictures.

Part List:
CPU - i5 7600k
Motherboard - MSI B250 Gaming Pro
Graphics Card - GTX 1050
RAM - Crucial 1x8gb
CPU Cooler - Hyper 212 EVO
PSU - 500W (Not sure what model)

Pictures : https://imgur.com/a/eUNAH

Using an AOC monitor with HDMI in the graphics card, also tried it in the motherboard. Also tried with a DVI cable.

Don't have an internal speaker, is it worth buying one?
Had a similar issue after changing my pc case. Pc turns on, everything spins and lights up but no signal to the monitor.
Tried everything but no luck. Then I removed the motherboard and it turns out I added one too many of the standoffs for the motherboard.
So check again if you did a similar mistake that short circuits the motherboard.