Hi. I upgraded from a 2400g to a 2700x and now my pc won't start. It does absolutely nothing. No noise, no fans. It's a paperweight now. I reset the CMOS and double/triple checked to make sure everything is connected.
It's installed on an AB350N Motherboard.
Should I have done something to the BIOS before upgrading? If I need to put in my old CPU to fix the BIOS do I have to redo the thermal paste even if I'm just fixing the BIOS, then swapping CPUs again?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Any help
It's installed on an AB350N Motherboard.
Should I have done something to the BIOS before upgrading? If I need to put in my old CPU to fix the BIOS do I have to redo the thermal paste even if I'm just fixing the BIOS, then swapping CPUs again?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Any help