Upgrades to my build?


Oct 24, 2012
Hi, current build is Ivy Bridge, on the way to building a really nice computer, on a budget of some kind but would prefer to leave absolutely unnecessary things out, like upgrading CPU if it won't actually be worth it;

My CPU cost about 180€, would an i7-3770k without overclocking perform good enough to be worth 300€?

Mobo: AsRock Z77 Pro3

CPU: i5-3470 (Should I upgrade to i7-3770k Ivy Bridge? Or go with a new motherboard for Haswell CPU's? Is there a significant boost in performance to pay that additional money for the motherboard and then the CPU itself? Would I do fine with this one?)

GPU: GTX 650 Ti (upgrading to GTX 780 Ti)

RAM: Kingston 2x4GB 1600MHz

HDD: 1tb WD 6400 RPM (Buying another 3tb storage HDD, should I buy a SSD instead?)

PSU: 750w G750M

Case: A really really old mid-tower with a fan on the back that can't be speed adjusted (one of the wires is broken). Open for any full-tower suggestions preferably! Prefer ones with fans included already.

Main priority with the build: Games. On a single 1080p monitor (yes 780 ti might be overkill). Thanks for reading and if you have any kind of opinion on these upgrades please do post.

Having a hard time here thinking if I should skip CPU upgrade and buy another monitor just to please my multitasking senses. Or to upgrade CPU and buy a decent used 21 inch 1080p monitor for the job, if CPU upgrade is even needed

Also I know I chose the wrong motherboard since I'm not planning to overclock, my bad when I didn't know anything about motherboard types 😀 Should probably think about a non K version cpu also

Asus Z97-PRO + i5-4690K for 380€, but how much is the benefit for getting that cpu instead of a i7-3770k? I know it's not worth it to get the 780 Ti but somehow I feel the most confident in buying a 3770k and 780 ti 🙁

Haswell not so much better than ivy bridge. BUT, you have the ability to drop in the way faster and more efficient Broadwell cpus in the next year or two.
I doubt the i7-3770 will perform better than your current i5-3470 in most games.

Main difference between i5 and i7 series is hyper-threading which means each CPU core can switch between different tasks if the current task becomes blocked. Most games don't accommodate for that - it is mostly beneficial for people rendering graphis or processing videos or working with Photoshop.

This benchmark chart (cut and paste, since the forum breaks the link)

suggests that if you can exploit multi-tasking you will get about a 33% improvement in throughput. If you can only use a single core, you will only get 5%.

Ok, so do you believe I could just go without upgrading my CPU and keep the 780 Ti as I originally planned, and upgrade on the Ivy Bridge slot later if the CPU starts causing lag or upgrade to a Haswell? Looking at that benchmark and some information about Haswell CPU's it looks like they aren't really that much faster than the one I'm using right now, since I don't really do anything to utilize hyper threading.

Either way I really feel more confident in the 780 Ti rather than the normal 780. I do have the money to upgrade to Z97 + i5-4690k but that would leave me with about 100€ left but I would have a really nice computer 😀

Thanks for the replies guys
GTX780ti right now is pointless.
I have GTX760 and i can play anything in ultra. Have in mind that i have a AOC 24" monitor 144hz/1ms

So i suggest you that upgrade.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.98 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 770 2GB Superclocked ACX Video Card ($324.99 @ NCIX US)
Case: Cooler Master HAF 912 ATX Mid Tower Case ($53.99 @ Mwave)
Case Fan: Cooler Master SickleFlow 69.7 CFM 120mm Fan ($7.98 @ OutletPC)
Case Fan: Cooler Master Megaflow 110.0 CFM 200mm Fan ($7.99 @ Newegg)
Fan Controller: Kingwin FPX-003 Fan Controller ($34.99 @ Mwave)
Total: $459.92
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Thanks for both of the replies, and I get your point about cheapest GTX 780 Ti being $600 and what it could get me instead. But the problem isn't money, the main thing here is that I will be getting good performance for my money, as I don't have another use for my money than to upgrade my computer.

But is upgrading to a Haswell necessary? I know, it's a huge waste of money buying performance you probably won't need, but just so that it is there. Once I buy one of the best in slot upgrades it's going to sit there for a few years. It's been my dream for quite a few years to run anything on ultra, whatever I give to my computer :)

But mostly what I have on my mind right now; buy a GTX 780 or Ti, going to depend on what I will plan to do with the rest of my money such as monitors peripherals etc. Then monitor CPU usage during full load on the newer games, Battlefield 4 Crysis 3 Watch dogs etc. If any of them show signs of CPU causing lag, -> i7-3770k. However if it doesn't lag under 60 fps, I would upgrade to a Haswell or whatever the next one is whenever it's needed to have over 60 fps no matter what. What do you think about this plan? Might be a waste of money to get the 780 Ti, but then I know I would have the best single performing card right now. Then it would be just about the CPU upgrade.

Also about the case, I don't have experience with mid-tower or full-tower cases, just whatever I happened to find when I built my current computer. I have no air rotation at all inside. Would a mid-tower with front + back fan with a default intel fan keep the system cool enough? No overclocking is going to be done. I was planning to go with a full tower just to get that additional boost to cooling but if it's alright with a mid-tower should just go with one and save 100€.