Hi, current build is Ivy Bridge, on the way to building a really nice computer, on a budget of some kind but would prefer to leave absolutely unnecessary things out, like upgrading CPU if it won't actually be worth it;
My CPU cost about 180€, would an i7-3770k without overclocking perform good enough to be worth 300€?
Mobo: AsRock Z77 Pro3
CPU: i5-3470 (Should I upgrade to i7-3770k Ivy Bridge? Or go with a new motherboard for Haswell CPU's? Is there a significant boost in performance to pay that additional money for the motherboard and then the CPU itself? Would I do fine with this one?)
GPU: GTX 650 Ti (upgrading to GTX 780 Ti)
RAM: Kingston 2x4GB 1600MHz
HDD: 1tb WD 6400 RPM (Buying another 3tb storage HDD, should I buy a SSD instead?)
PSU: 750w G750M
Case: A really really old mid-tower with a fan on the back that can't be speed adjusted (one of the wires is broken). Open for any full-tower suggestions preferably! Prefer ones with fans included already.
Main priority with the build: Games. On a single 1080p monitor (yes 780 ti might be overkill). Thanks for reading and if you have any kind of opinion on these upgrades please do post.
Having a hard time here thinking if I should skip CPU upgrade and buy another monitor just to please my multitasking senses. Or to upgrade CPU and buy a decent used 21 inch 1080p monitor for the job, if CPU upgrade is even needed
Also I know I chose the wrong motherboard since I'm not planning to overclock, my bad when I didn't know anything about motherboard types 😀 Should probably think about a non K version cpu also
My CPU cost about 180€, would an i7-3770k without overclocking perform good enough to be worth 300€?
Mobo: AsRock Z77 Pro3
CPU: i5-3470 (Should I upgrade to i7-3770k Ivy Bridge? Or go with a new motherboard for Haswell CPU's? Is there a significant boost in performance to pay that additional money for the motherboard and then the CPU itself? Would I do fine with this one?)
GPU: GTX 650 Ti (upgrading to GTX 780 Ti)
RAM: Kingston 2x4GB 1600MHz
HDD: 1tb WD 6400 RPM (Buying another 3tb storage HDD, should I buy a SSD instead?)
PSU: 750w G750M
Case: A really really old mid-tower with a fan on the back that can't be speed adjusted (one of the wires is broken). Open for any full-tower suggestions preferably! Prefer ones with fans included already.
Main priority with the build: Games. On a single 1080p monitor (yes 780 ti might be overkill). Thanks for reading and if you have any kind of opinion on these upgrades please do post.
Having a hard time here thinking if I should skip CPU upgrade and buy another monitor just to please my multitasking senses. Or to upgrade CPU and buy a decent used 21 inch 1080p monitor for the job, if CPU upgrade is even needed
Also I know I chose the wrong motherboard since I'm not planning to overclock, my bad when I didn't know anything about motherboard types 😀 Should probably think about a non K version cpu also