Upgrades to run GTA V?


Nov 14, 2013
I'm going to sell my PS4 so I can upgrade my PC, because currently it cannot run GTA 5. My budget is about £300 and my specs are

Gigabyte GTX 550 Ti
Kingston 4gb RAM

What would be the best upgrade so I can run GTA 5?

I'm thinking of the Asus one since it has the highest clocks and the price is about the same as the other ones.

should be ok, as long as you got a good cpu and gpu (like the GTX 960) you will get steady fps in high settings (probably)
i do suggest however getting 8gb of ram, but if you dont have the money you will still be able to run the game ok.

P.S you don't need 550w of power. my cinema machine has an Pentium G3258 overclocked with a GTX 750Ti takes only 115w from the wall under load (the GTX 960 needs even less power)
just make sure your psu is at least 80 plus, 80 plus bronze or silver, and you should be A-OK!


So I'm okay by keeping this PSU and not upgrading it? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005FPT38U?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00

yeah, but i suggest this one

it's more reliable and cheaper with more power :)

Update: from the cash that you save from the PSU i suggest getting this

it will increase your fps no doubt.