Upgrading a computer


Apr 16, 2010
Hello, these are the ones they are using now The specifications of these computers are:
• Pentium processor
• 4 GB hard disk
• 128 MB RAM
• Windows 98
The management of the store wants to upgrade four of the computers and use them to process client orders. The initial study done by the management reveals that the computers will perform the following tasks:
• Run an order-processing application that requires a multiprocessing operating system. The application will take orders from customers over the Internet, process the orders, and create invoices.
• Communicate with customers using e-mail to resolve customer queries.
• Store customer data on the local computer. The store will use this data to promote new products.
You won't be upgrading any of these computers, they will need to be replaced.
The most basic of the new computers these days come with at least 2 GB of ram and 320 GB+ hard drives and multicore processors.
You should choose a middle of the road system with at least 4 GB of RAM and if you have a large database go for 8 GB, the extra RAM doesn't add much to the cost these days. Also you should get it fitted with 2 large hard drives so that they can be mirrored should one fail.
The stumbling block for you could be the applications that you use, you need to check which operating system they can run on. Are they old applications or new one's.
Advice from the applications author would be advisable.