Upgrading a PC for my friend, BF3 quadro fx 3500!


Jun 6, 2011
She wants to upgrade her PC to play BF3 multiplayer.

She has 8GB ram.
FM1 asrock mobo.
Quadro fx 3500.
Athlon x4 631 @3.2GHZ (She says anyway) haven't seen for myself.
Antec VP 450W psu.
Evo 212 cooler or something.

I think that from this build the most important thing to upgrade is the GPU wich is an old quadro I gave her when her GTX 260 died, quadro runs MC flawlessly but bf3 is a little limited on it haha. (plus texture glitching like crazy)

She doesn't want to spend more than $100 so I'm thinking of grabbing the HD 7770 for her, her res is 1440x900 so How good would 64 player MP run on this PC? and the 450W should suffice right? as I mentioned before it is an antec and the quadro probably draws more power than the 7770 xD ^_^.

But performance in MP? also If the CPU is running chill I think I will see if I can OC it further for added performance.

Thanks for reading <3.