Upgrading a VERY old GPU


Apr 27, 2013
Hey all! Was wondering if it's even worth upgrading an old radeon X1300 GPU (passmark 67) with something like a GT 610 (passmark 300~) I can have it done for quite cheap (~20) but curious if there is going to be any visible benefit. It's mostly for flash video, playing 1080p videos,etc) .. no gaming.. except maybe an occasional flash stuff.

The system is running win7, some crappy dual core CPU.. but with a 256 GB SSD
Thank you!
You would probably receive a pretty large increase in speed going from that to a new GPU when doing things like browsing and video (flash etc). Most people don't realize how much the GPU accelerates web browsing and such until they shut off the browsers GPU acceleration which your current X1300 doesn't support in any way as far as I know given the driver support for it stopped years ago. Although depending on the application you use for viewing video's it may or may not help but if GPU acceleration is available it will be a big help.
You would probably receive a pretty large increase in speed going from that to a new GPU when doing things like browsing and video (flash etc). Most people don't realize how much the GPU accelerates web browsing and such until they shut off the browsers GPU acceleration which your current X1300 doesn't support in any way as far as I know given the driver support for it stopped years ago. Although depending on the application you use for viewing video's it may or may not help but if GPU acceleration is available it will be a big help.

yeah that's what i was thinking/hoping. Plus apps like chrome have that GPU acceleration option. I think Windows 7 aero runs inside a direct3d environment (with desktop composition turned on) as well.

A new system doesn't really fit the bill since i want to put some new life into this one. Plus my main systems are already quite fast. (gtx660, fx8350)

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