Upgrading an old bicycle


Mar 5, 2023
Would it be possible to make a battery for an old bicycle myself to convert it from a regular bicycle to an electronic bicycle. There is acid in batteries. If I pour, for example, acid from cucumbers or other kitchen acid into an ordinary bucket of paint and pull out 2 cables, one plus and the other minus, and plug such a bucket with a lid and connect these cables to the socket, would such a bucket make a battery? How can I make my own battery acid in the cheapest home way so that I don't have to spend a lot of money on original bicycle batteries? I don't need any complicated electronics or gears or counters or controllers in the bicycle just to have any pedaling support at the cheapest cost.

It would not make a battery and would be very dangerous to attempt.

Not recommended in any form of DIY.

Acids will corrode metal containers.

And real battery acid (enough to create current) is very dangerous and sooner or later you or someone else could get seriously hurt. Even if not in a metal bucket or other container.

Abandon home made batteries.

Plus to convert an ordinary bicycle into an electronic bicycle you will need electronics, gears, counters, and controllers.

Reason being physics and engineering to make it all work.
Would it be possible to make a battery for an old bicycle myself to convert it from a regular bicycle to an electronic bicycle. There is acid in batteries. If I pour, for example, acid from cucumbers or other kitchen acid into an ordinary bucket of paint and pull out 2 cables, one plus and the other minus, and plug such a bucket with a lid and connect these cables to the socket, would such a bucket make a battery? How can I make my own battery acid in the cheapest home way so that I don't have to spend a lot of money on original bicycle batteries? I don't need any complicated electronics or gears or counters or controllers in the bicycle just to have any pedaling support at the cheapest cost.
There are many kits or plans to turn a regular bike into an electric bike.

None of which include a mixture of cucumber juice and paint.
I use a Shneider bicycle with Shimano 3CC gears and I have this round wire sticking out of the bicycle.
Should this round wire be inside or outside the bicycle and should it be in contact all the way or should it have a break?
When I ride a bicycle, this round wire enters the bicycle and immediately comes out, but most often it enters in the middle and moves so that it hides in the bicycle and comes out. When I pedal the bicycle, I can hear in the rear wheel mechanism that something is rubbing strongly, that I can feel vibrations and something is braking in the bicycle, but I don't know what.
It happens to me that I take on the repair of devices that I do not know. When I was disassembling the entire derailleur mechanism in this bicycle for the first time, to grease it when they squeaked a lot while riding, all the parts flew out right away that I didn't know how to assemble them and in my spare time for a few hours a day for a week I would assemble it. On this bicycle is in such 2 parts on the left and right parts of the derailleur


the plates that hold the balls were crushed, I put the balls manually in the place where the circle in the balls should be and I threw the crushed plate away, but when I put the balls in, there was a free space, I put balls from other broken bicycle bearings in this free place, but if you spin the derailleurs again, then these balls fall out and you have to be careful not to lose them, is it possible to buy such a part but I noticed that these wheels are of different sizes the same and in the derailleur a small type of balls and in the pedals a large type of balls what about that I have spare wheels with balls if the size does not fit.

Is it possible to buy just this small balls?


is it better to buy such balls mounted in a circle?

I noticed that the bike rusts over time and the screws in it are so rusted that it is impossible to unscrew them, which I did not unscrew them. Only those screws that I unscrew often can be unscrewed. Is it a good idea to turn the screws in the bicycle with a screwdriver once in a while, even if the bicycle worked well, just so that the screws don't get stuck and I can unscrew them later if necessary?

What is bicycle in english? Cycle or bicycle or bike?
The word bike accociates me more of a motorbike.
What is motor in English? Is it a motor or motorbike or a bike or a motorbike?
In English, bicycle is bicycle. Or "bike".
I have several.

For your little balls....those are ball bearings.
You would generally buy a bearing set, as in your pic with them in a holder in a circle.
In other uses on a bicycle, they are loose bearings.
You cannot mix and match.
Different parts of the bike, or different bikes, take different style bearings.

For your "round wire sticking out of the bicycle.".....I cannot tell from your pic.
But from your pic, I see a bunch of rusted crap.
Unless you already have a LOT of spare parts and tools, it looks like that thing is good for selling as scrap metal.

I'd need to see a better pic of the whole thing, though.
There is a rusty chain in the bike that does not want to bend in some places. If the chain was soaked in ordinary cooking oil, would it bend? I don't have motor oils or money to buy them.
There is a rusty chain in the bike that does not want to bend in some places. If the chain was soaked in ordinary cooking oil, would it bend? I don't have motor oils or money to buy them.
Completely unknown until you try it.

Let it soak for a week and see what happens.
But then, that cooking oil would need to be cleaned off, and the chain oiled with some actual lubricant.
If you don't recognize a 3-speed hub shifter cable or bearing cages, then you probably shouldn't be installing an electric conversion kit, much less inventing one. Even though some of them now are entirely self-contained in a replacement wheel, including the batteries

Internal gear hubs must be kept adjusted correctly or they will get damaged. They are way more complicated than a derailleur

Yes, ball bearings are available in standard sizes at any bicycle store, in bottles. No, you don't need the cages as they are mostly there to simplify assembly at the factory and reduce the number of balls needed--you can instead use heavy grease to hold them in place during assembly. Note that you should replace all of the balls in order to ensure some are not smaller than others, and inspect the races for damage. If the races are damaged then they must be replaced or the new bearings won't last long, but in some cases use of slightly different sized ball bearings can allow them to roll over an undamaged area with the caveat that any bearing dust or splash shields will then no longer work properly. This is a big deal because water ingress will quickly destroy an internal gear hub

Generally to simplify disassembly later you would apply anti-seize, but as a bicycle is not a high-temperature application then grease works just as well. If things start to back out on their own due to vibration and the grease, then Loctite would also prevent corrosion of threads

After soaking in cooking oil which oxidizes into varnish over time, eventually none of the chain links will bend. Instead use only mineral oils such as baby oil or motor oil on a chain, or for cleaning there's nothing wrong with kerosene or gasoline
The metal on the rear wheel derailleur broke on Schneider Shimano 3CC cycle. does it mean that if this metal breaks more, the derailleurs will stop working completely and can this part be replaced or welded? I've been using this cycle for 14 years and it was bought used. Is it the fault of the bad use of this bike that it has a crack or would it break there anyway?



The derailleur cable broke


this is the second part of this cable


I got a frame from another broken bike


is whether to take these cables from the derailleurs from this frame or glue that cable somehow. I only have soldering irons but the soldering iron does not want to solder this cable. I've been using this bike for 14 years and it was bought used.
Yup, the only kind of soldering with any strength is "silver soldering" which is otherwise known as nickel-silver brazing, using a torch. Works fine to join steel cables like those.

The bell-crank assembly is trickier as it is some unknown type of mystery aluminum. Normally you would Tig weld that, but there are also zinc-alloy brazing repair rods intended for repairing aluminum or magnesium which can be used with the same torch as above. Those melt at ~700F/371C by which point most aluminum alloys lose about half of their strength, and is uncomfortably close to the melting temperature of aluminum when you are using such an imprecise source of heat as a torch. Note also that some aluminum alloys derive much of their strength from heat treatment, so heating them again will soften them.

A new bell crank should be readily available from the same bicycle store as the bearings though, as it's pretty common to drop the bike onto it to break it.
Yup, the only kind of soldering with any strength is "silver soldering" which is otherwise known as nickel-silver brazing, using a torch. Works fine to join steel cables like those.

The bell-crank assembly is trickier as it is some unknown type of mystery aluminum. Normally you would Tig weld that, but there are also zinc-alloy brazing repair rods intended for repairing aluminum or magnesium which can be used with the same torch as above. Those melt at ~700F/371C by which point most aluminum alloys lose about half of their strength, and is uncomfortably close to the melting temperature of aluminum when you are using such an imprecise source of heat as a torch. Note also that some aluminum alloys derive much of their strength from heat treatment, so heating them again will soften them.

A new bell crank should be readily available from the same bicycle store as the bearings though, as it's pretty common to drop the bike onto it to break it.
Some years ago, I taught myself brazing, and built a 3 wheel recumbent.

The front end geometry has the same considerationsas a car.
Caster, camber, kingpin inclination, toe in....