Upgrading an old PC


Apr 11, 2014
Hello there, I am helping one of my friends upgrade an old pc he brought home from his work. He is planning on playing games like Skyrim on high settings on a 1080p monitor

His specs are as follows
Case: Ezcool N630D Mid Tower

Graphics: Nothing

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E8400

PSU: comes with case 500w

RAM:2gb (definitely needs upgrading)

The case doesn't need upgrading as he has just bought one , So he has £165 to spend on graphics and RAM

Sorry but im from the US so im not exactly sure what that amount of money is in US dollars. But if he wants to play skyrim on a Core 2 Duo he is gonna need at least the following:

1. EVGA GeForce GTX 650ti 2GB (or similar GPU)
2. 4GB or 8GB RAM (Preferably G.Skill and get the fastest you can)
3. I recommend an SSD instead of an HDD but that isn't exactly necessary.

This probably going to be over his budget I'm afraid.
And his CPU probably won't support it. He will be better off building a new PC to play games like that.
Power supplies that come with cases are almost always terrible and unreliable probably do not output the stated power, have power on the wrong rails, don't have the proper cables, etc. Do you know if the ram is DDR2 or DDR3, also what motherboard does he have?

The Intel Core 2 duo would struggle with skyrim, especially if he wants to use mods.
if you don't mind playing on low... i'd get some more RAM and a gtx 750. anymore than this is a waste with that CPU.
the real advantage of this GPU is that it doesnt need 6 pin connections from the power supply... because your PSU that came with it probably doesnt have them :)