Upgrading CPU and Motherboard


Oct 10, 2015
I am looking to upgrade my current build from an AMD CPU FX-8350
to the latest Intel Skylake 6700K CPU,
Gigabyte Z170X-Gaming G1 Motherboard,
Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB DDR4 3200 (2x16GB),
Samsung 950 Pro 512GB M.2 SSD

I already have water cooling configured for my current CPU,
a Thermaltake 875W power supply and
Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 Graphics card.

Would all the new parts work well together? or would i make a bottleneck somewhere?
My build is mainly for gaming locally, and will be overclocking for better performance.

I was also looking at whether the Intel Haswell CPU 5820K would be better but i ended up deciding on the Skylake CPU instead, as the motherboards for the Skylake have more and better ports like thunderbolt and USB-C.

Would anyone have any better choices for the CPU, Motherboard or RAM?
or would what i have picked work good and last a while,
as my current CPU has lasted me since 2011.

Thank you
the skylake is going to be fine.
The "bottleneck" of some sort will be present in any system.
your system will be good for the next few years even with GPUs like GTX 1070/1080 (they will be fully utilized)
That CPU is one of the best you can get, the only upgrade you will need after this is a better GPU, although the GTX 970 should run most games at 1080p on high settings.
Thanks guys,

I have done a lot of research on the components and mainly just wanted to make sure i was on the right track.

I am planning to also upgrade to GTX 1070 at the end of the year when they might drop a little in price or when the GTX 970 stops being enough for most mainstream games. I don't play any VR games, manly just max settings at 1080 and good fps (sometimes 144 fps). I have my GTX 970 water cooled as well.

It's going to cost just over $2,000 to get the CPU, Motherboard, Ram and M2 SSD 512GB. Would that sound about fair for those components or would i be over paying?
The Gigabyte Z170 Gaming 7 G1 motherboard has a lot of back ports and USB-C & USB 3.1, as well as pre-installed water cooling, a few PCI ports for multiply graphics card and SSD NVMIe.
All the features you mentioned are available for much lower price point.
Water cooling mosfets on MB has no practical benefit.
You can invest that money into GTX 1080 over GTX 1070 (not that you need it) or in a watercooling the video card which is very fun with pascal.
My card hoovers at 40-42 AC on and 48 AC off (i have 32-33C ambient with 75-95% humidity for over 7 months)
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($479.00 @ Centre Com)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D14 65.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($99.00 @ CPL Online)
Motherboard: ASRock Fatal1ty Z170 Gaming K4 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($179.00 @ Mwave Australia)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory
Storage: Samsung 950 PRO 512GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($385.00 @ Umart)
Total: $1142.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-31 18:39 AEST+1000

Obviously you can remove the cooler as I know you mentioned you had water cooling. As you can see it is way under $2000.