Upgrading cpu fot Nvidia gtx 1080


Mar 20, 2014
Hello i am going to buy the new gtx 1080 and was wondering if i should upgrade to the i7 skylake to not bottleneck. i am going to be playing in 1080p but will soon move to 2k so don't tell me its overkill for 1080p.
What are you upgrading from? I'm running an i7 970 (6-core) @ 4GHz, and I'm considering the GTX 1080 as well. I think PCI bus performance is going to be the real kicker here. As long as you're on a PCI-E 3.0 slot and have a decent quad-core, you should do just fine.
As asked what are you upgrading from? If your plan is to game at significantly higher fps then there will be increased load on the CPU but if your plan is to game at higher detail settings or higher resolution but similar fps to your current setup then there will be negligible load difference on the cpu