[SOLVED] Upgrading CPU on HP Prodesk G4 mini

CPU benchmark

Jun 26, 2015
All "HP Prodesk G4 mini" devices come with a T processor: a processor whose name ends with T which is a 35-Watt CPU. Can I install a non-T CPU on these devices? I mean a higher-end CPU.
The number that you need to keep in mind is the TDP, meaning that the platform you're on is limited by it's cooling potential/package, hence why you're restricted to 35W processors. Even if you did drop in a higher spec'd processor, you'd have to cripple it severely to the point that it's effectively a T series processor to begin with. Only difference in the latter is that you spent resources to come to the same exact place as opposed to merely sticking with a series processor from the get go. Either that or you drop in a higher end processor, cook the innards and then end up with an expensive paperweight.
The number that you need to keep in mind is the TDP, meaning that the platform you're on is limited by it's cooling potential/package, hence why you're restricted to 35W processors. Even if you did drop in a higher spec'd processor, you'd have to cripple it severely to the point that it's effectively a T series processor to begin with. Only difference in the latter is that you spent resources to come to the same exact place as opposed to merely sticking with a series processor from the get go. Either that or you drop in a higher end processor, cook the innards and then end up with an expensive paperweight.
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