upgrading cpu quad or 6 core


Apr 7, 2014
im looking into upgrading my cpu but im not sure if i want to go with the intel 6 core or the devils canyon quad core and if i do go with the 6 core im not really sure which one to go with im not going to amd im sticking with intel i know that if i go with the 6 core i know i need to get a new motherboard i do alot of streaming and rendering videos so i do take that into account please help
my list- http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LwptdC
i also have a corsair H100i gtx cooler
These are two different scenarios.

For the gaming, the GPU is generally more important than the CPU. A quad core chip will be fine for this, even an i5 like the i5-4690k will do fine.

For video rendering, it is based on number of cores and threads. Therefore, a hexacore will do better than the quad core. However, this would require a new motherboard.

Here is a list of the CPU's that are compatible with your current MB:


I would recommend the i7-4790k for your existing MB which is quad core, and can handle 8 threads as it is hyperthreaded. If you have a Microcenter that has them in stock, you can find them for $300.

i want to be able to render and stream better it takes about 50 minutes to render a 15 minute video which really gets annoying and i would like to run games better its not bad i mean i get decent fps but i mean more is always better mostly just the editing,rendering and livestreams
These are two different scenarios.

For the gaming, the GPU is generally more important than the CPU. A quad core chip will be fine for this, even an i5 like the i5-4690k will do fine.

For video rendering, it is based on number of cores and threads. Therefore, a hexacore will do better than the quad core. However, this would require a new motherboard.

Here is a list of the CPU's that are compatible with your current MB:


I would recommend the i7-4790k for your existing MB which is quad core, and can handle 8 threads as it is hyperthreaded. If you have a Microcenter that has them in stock, you can find them for $300.
If you are doing any type of Video Rendering or Editing, then go with the 6 core.

Go with the intel 5820k. It is such a steal. Especially if you are running only one video card. I do a lot of editing myself and having 6 hyper threaded cores makes a world of difference when it comes to rendering. I also have the same aoi cooler as you and run my cpu at 4.5 ghz. It sits at 33C idle and about 68C under full load. I can probably overclock more but don't really need to. Most people get 4.6 or 4.7 ghz out of that chip.
Grandmaster hit the nail on the head. I thought I'd add your costs (and gains) if you DID want to go hexacore (12 threads). You'd obviously need to get a hexacore chip (Intel ones start at 200, but the newer stuff really starts at 300), and since all of those use the LGA 2011 socket, you'd need a new mobo as he said. So you're looking at another 150-250 bucks for the new X99 chipset. And then since its a new mobo, you need new DDR4 ram....another hundred bucks for...

All of a sudden you just spent 600ish bucks, and replaced RAM and your MoBo before you were thinking of it. On the plus side, you went from a 4 core/4 threat i5 to a 6 core/12 thread i7, and you have faster RAM, and gained some new features on a new motherboard...but you spent a buncha money. Probably not worth it to cut your render times in half (which I think it reasonably would do). How much is the 7.5 minutes worth to you?
For an occasional render, an i7-4790k is a reasonable upgrade, and keep existing parts. To go to a hexacore, it is serious dough just to save some more time. If this is professional business use, and can increase profits that is one thing. For just some Handbrake renders once a week, not really worth it in my mind.