Upgrading Dell Inspiron 530 motherboard and more


Jul 3, 2015
Cousin gave me his Dell Inspiron 530 to fix for him. The motherboard has died but i can purchase a new one for 30-50 bucks. However, since he is graduating I thought it would be nice to upgrade it a little so maybe he can play better games on it. I don't know if this is possible since im lacking in this department. Since the motherboard is done i don't know all of the specs. i dont know if i can find it inside or what, im pretty new to this.

Specs :
Model: DCMF
Windows Vista
motherboard: Foxconn g33m02 CN 0RY007 73604 878 00DA/ Rev A01
graphics: heard it can be
I believe these are his specs: http://www.engadget.com/products/dell/inspiron/530/specs/ but the graphics is wrong

Any LGA775 motherboard with support for DDR2 and Core 2 Quad chips would work. You can buy them used for about £20 here in England, but it might change for wherever you are.

Upgrading the motherboard won't boost the gaming performance of the computer, so don't worry about that. If you want to give him a noticeable upgrade, a new graphics card would be a better idea.

If you find a motherboard you like, put the link to it here so we can guarantee it will work for you.


I was thinking of going with this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dell-Foxconn-G33M02-Motherboard-for-Dell-Inspiron-530-530s-LGA775-0CU409-CU409-/111687568941?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1a01190e2d

If I get a different motherboard that isnt exactly like mine, wouldnt i have to buy a new case for it?