Upgrading Dell XPS 630i to play GTA V


Dec 13, 2014
I have a Dell XPS 630i and would like to play GTA V when it is released. I would like to play on 1920x1080 TV via Steam's in home streaming.

Current Specs:
Dell XPS 630i
Windows 8.1 Pro
Intel Core2 Quad 9550 (2.83 GHz)
Nvidia 9800 GT, 512MB
1TB, 7200rpm hard drive

The cpu cannot be overclocked because of the stock dell motherboard.

Would upgrading the gpu to a GTX 660 allow me to play the game at a decent quality (~PS4 level)?

an r9-270 or 270x offer great bang for the buck and run between $100 and $160 depending on the card and sales. the 270x will give good gaming performance without being overkill for the system and the 270 will get pretty close to the 270x but lose some of the eye candy at 1080p in newer games.

either of these will be a boost and give you the console like performance your looking for. i put a 270 into an old xps 420 (only 375 watt psu in that one) and the kids are playing the crap out of it and not complaining one bit. that pc has a q6600 cpu and only 4 gb of ram but runs very nicely as is with the gpu upgrade.

not a bad price for a solid 270x at $140 with this "+ 6% off w/ promo code EMCWHWW28, ends 12/17"...

I am using the stock 750W psu. My max budget for this would be about $250-$300 if the gpu is going to run the game pretty good.

I don't do a lot of gaming and for the most part, the computer does what I need it to. I also don't want to start throwing too much money at a 6-7 year old machine.

an r9-270 or 270x offer great bang for the buck and run between $100 and $160 depending on the card and sales. the 270x will give good gaming performance without being overkill for the system and the 270 will get pretty close to the 270x but lose some of the eye candy at 1080p in newer games.

either of these will be a boost and give you the console like performance your looking for. i put a 270 into an old xps 420 (only 375 watt psu in that one) and the kids are playing the crap out of it and not complaining one bit. that pc has a q6600 cpu and only 4 gb of ram but runs very nicely as is with the gpu upgrade.

not a bad price for a solid 270x at $140 with this "+ 6% off w/ promo code EMCWHWW28, ends 12/17" http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121802&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

you won't save but a few dollars ($10 ish) right now going for a 270 over this price. you could get more card but this one will suit you for not too much money.