Upgrading .. for playing latest Games with high-ultra settings


Feb 3, 2015
Hello .. im going to upgrade my pc and these are my spec .. my budget around : 600$ to 700$

Intel i5 750 - LGA1156 - 2.67Ghz
MSI P55-GD65
RAM 16G DDR3 1600 G.Skill sniper
MSI Gaming GTX 970 4g ( should i buy another one for SLI or stick with one card only ? )
Power Supply TX950W Corsair
2T HDD 7200
Gamma Mid tower case

can you please give me some suggestions about what should i upgrade to ?

i always upgrade my PC every 4-5 years :)

sorry for my English and thanks in advance
The 4790k obviously has the much higher stock speeds at a higher cost. For future-proofing the system, that would be the way to go. The 4690k is very dominant in current games, but with DX12 around the corner, allowing games to much more easily integrate additional threads, the 4790K gains even more of a lead.
What resolutions are you playing at?

The first things to upgrade would be the CPU and motherboard. Everything else looks very good for parts.
I would recommend:

CPU: Intel i5 4460 3.2ghz quad core, 3.4ghz turbo
Motherboard: H97 or Z97 ATX motherboard such as Asus Z97-A etc etc.

For the CPU if you want, an i5 4690k or an i7 4790k would make sense for longer 'future-proofing' and if you are interested in overclocking at all. A Z-97 chipset motherboard would be a must for those chips.

For the GPU I would stick with one card, test on games you play with the settings you want and then upgrade to a second 970 if you need more performance. The current i5 is bottlenecking the 970 in the more demanding modern games, so you will see more performance with a newer CPU/motherboard platform while keeping the other hardware the same.

thank you for reply ... but can you suggest another motherboard from MSI ? playing at 1680X1050 my monitor is HP Pavilion w2207h LCD wide-screen (yeah its old and i will change it soon)

in fact i dont want change rams . mine 16G 1600 and i will put more soon . so i want a really good motherboard supporting 32G ram and support more 1600Mhz

MSI Z97 Gaming 5 is a good choice ?
The 4790k obviously has the much higher stock speeds at a higher cost. For future-proofing the system, that would be the way to go. The 4690k is very dominant in current games, but with DX12 around the corner, allowing games to much more easily integrate additional threads, the 4790K gains even more of a lead.