Upgrading from a GT 730 to GTX 1050 ti or 1060 6gb. Is it worth it?

Sep 10, 2018
I just purchased a new PC
Core I7-7700
16gb RAM (ddr4)
GT 730
PSU (I don't know for sure but I assume it is 300+ I will check and update when I can)
Windows 10

I was talking to a friend and he said the GT 730 sucks, he suggested upgrading to a GTX 1050 or better. I was wondering if this is a good idea, I don't usually play many aaa games. Really all I'd use the computer for would be animation, video editing/recording, and minor 3d modeling.

Thank you all in advance
- Oxi
1. Do you feel slow when doing your tasks? If not, no need to upgrade, 300 is not enough for 1060.
2. Animation and 3d modeling are cpu heavy, video editing is mostly CPU heavy too, gpu can accelerate some of the process but not a must.
3. 730 does trail for gaming, if 300W psu, 1050 or 1050 ti is your best bet.
1. Do you feel slow when doing your tasks? If not, no need to upgrade, 300 is not enough for 1060.
2. Animation and 3d modeling are cpu heavy, video editing is mostly CPU heavy too, gpu can accelerate some of the process but not a must.
3. 730 does trail for gaming, if 300W psu, 1050 or 1050 ti is your best bet.
The GT 730, especially if it's the DDR3 version, is 'slow'. It is meant for people who need integrated graphics level performance but who don't have that. You have Intel graphics so that 730 is probably not doing much extra for you.

The question is do you need more? You would know if you did, because you would be spending a lot of time waiting for certain tasks to finish. Are you spending a lot of time waiting? If so, for what specific tasks using what specific programs?