Upgrading from E8500 @ 3.8ghz to i5 2500k for BF3?


Oct 29, 2008
Current system specs
Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 @ 3.8ghz
Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 192 core
4gb 800mhz DDR2 ram
7200rpm hard drive

Battlefield 3 currently runs on medium-low 1080p at 33fps on average, dipping to 22fps at times. I wanted to get a GTX560Ti 2gb to replace the aging GTX 260 however I am worried about my CPU and ram bottle necking it. I have been reading some reviews and most of them say that Battlefield 3 will not get a substancial performance boost quad core vs dual core.
I am a student on a budget, the difference of sticking to my E8500 and getting a GTX560TI to getting the i5 with it which would mean new ram, motherboard and cpu etc. will be 500 dollars more (not including the graphics card)

Will it really make a HUGE difference? Is anyone else playing Battlefield 3 with a dual core?


Upgrading to a 2500k will probably give you a boost to around 45 fps avarage.But you can also upgrade to a quad without buying a new mobo or ram.You also can get a second hand Q9550 which will provide you the same gaming experiance for a cheaper price.And with the saved money you can buy a new graphics card.


Oct 16, 2011

Ditto. Those things are almost as much as a 2500K/2550K.

I don't think the OP is going to see a 50% increase in framerate by upgrading to a 2500K either. That would imply that he's massively CPU bound at this point which simply isn't the case with a GTX 260. I had a stock E8500 that was GPU bound by a HD 5850 which is way faster, you'd have to step up into 570/580 territory or higher than 1080p resolutions to see any real impact from the CPU not being able to handle the load. If I was the OP, I'd by a GTX 580 and risk being GPU bound for now and upgrade the rest of the system when I got the money.



economically stick with the E8500 and get the 560ti. sure it would be better to get a i5-2500k but the upgrade in GPUs will make ya happy enough for now.